Bill strips Department of Education of voucher oversight
A Republican lawmaker wants the state to hire a private company to oversee and administer Arizona’s voucher program and wants State Treasurer Kimberly Yee, not the newly elected Democratic superintendent, to choose the vendor.
Prop. 305 defeat doesn’t end fight over voucher expansion
More than 1 million voters rejected lawmakers’ attempt to allow every public school student in Arizona to attend private or parochial schools on taxpayer dollars – but the fight isn’t over.
Congratulations to The Breakdown Breakouts!
Our inaugural Breakouts are among the sharpest political minds in Arizona. They work in and outside of government, manage their own businesses and provide counsel to some of the most important entities in the state.
Yes or no, ballot measure tricky vote
It seems a bit out of Alice in Wonderland. But if you support the goals of those who put Proposition 305 on the ballot -- opposition to expansion of vouchers -- you have to vote "no'' in November.
Both sides of voucher war prepare for battles after vote
Opponents of Proposition 305 may soon cry victory over its defeat, but the fight over school choice and Arizona’s Empowerment Scholarship Accounts will not end in November.
Behind the Ballot: Spread thin
If donors are asked repeatedly to open their wallets for both the candidates and the causes they care most about, will the available dollars be spread too thin?
Voucher vote creates dilemma for school-choice supporters
If voters approve the voucher expansion law in November, many believe those changes would be locked in under the Voter Protection Act.
The Breakdown: Session Wrap Edition
Our reporters sat down with Gov. Doug Ducey as well as Republican and Democratic leaders in both chambers to reflect on the last five months - and what this session's events may hold for the future.
Agreement on school funding ends at whether more is needed
Arizona’s public education system could use more money– a point few argue against. The disagreement comes when elected officials and education advocates start talking about how to get there.
The Breakdown, Episode 17: That’s a wrap
Another session is in the books, but not without a fuss - or two.
Grassroots school group to tackle ‘dark money’ measure
The group responsible for forcing a public vote on the future of vouchers will now help a bit to block "dark money'' in future political campaigns.
Effort on to repeal or replace voucher expansion law
Any attempt to undermine a November referendum on a controversial law to expand Arizona’s school voucher program is dead on arrival in the Senate.