Steyer: APS using “dishonest tactics” against clean energy initiative
Billionaire Democratic mega-donor Tom Steyer criticized the state’s largest electric company and the biggest competitor of his clean energy ballot initiative Friday for using shady tactics to block a public vote of the renewable energy measure in November.
Clean energy ballot measure could close nuclear plant
The Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station is the nation’s largest power producer, and if the Clean Energy for a Healthy Arizona initiative appears on the ballot in November, voters will decide the plant’s future.
American independence includes freedom to choose energy sources
America was founded on the principles of liberty and independence. People fled to America for the right to live and worship in freedom.
Anti-Trump group seeks to put energy policy on ballot
Bill Scheel, a campaign consultant helping set up the petition drive, said Monday there is a coalition of civic and health organizations who do not believe the current renewable energy standard goals set by the Arizona Corporation Commission are sufficient.
Peabody says potential buyers could keep Navajo Generating Station open
Navajo leaders expressed hope October 2 that the Navajo Generating Station will be able to continue operations past 2019, after Peabody Energy said it had come up with a list of potential investors in the plant.
Little to resign from Corp Comm for job in Trump administration
Arizona Corporation Commissioner Doug Little will resign his post after taking a job with the U.S. Department of Energy in Washington D.C.
Utilities offer incentives aimed at saving energy
More options to encourage the efficient consumption of power have emerged as energy resources in the Valley evolved over the past decade.
Hard choices ahead as officials look at future of Navajo power plant
Despite pledges to look for alternatives, closing the Navajo Generating Station in Page could devastate the local economy, where hundreds of jobs rely on the plant and affiliated coal mine and where experts see few, if any, workable solutions.
Native Americans’ right to live off land is essential
For centuries, Native Americans – just like my fellow farmers – have called upon the land they call home to make their way in the world.
Transitioning Navajo Generating Station reflects changing energy economics
The energy landscape is rapidly changing, however, and we are very possibly in the midst of writing a new energy chapter for Arizona.
Commissioner pursues rules on transparency, electioneering
Picking up where he left off last year, Arizona Corporation Commissioner Bob Burns is pursuing rules on transparency and electioneering disclosure for his beleaguered regulatory body.
Bipartisan, market-based approach could significantly cut carbon emissions
Making the switch to renewable energy is clearly not a partisan issue. According to the Post-Election National Clean Energy Survey conducted by the Republican polling firm Public Opinion Strategies, 75 percent of Trump voters support taking action to accelerate the development and use of clean energy in the United States. Altogether, 64 percent of the 1,000 voters surveyed say they’d even pay mo[...]