
doug ducey

Aug 18, 2022

Law limiting recording of police unconstitutional

When Apple launched the iPhone, it could not have imagined how profoundly the technology would change the world. From giving us a lifeline during the Covid pandemic to putting the news at our fingertips, smartphones have broken down barriers.  

Jul 6, 2022

Ducey signs bill to address dwindling water supply

Gov. Doug Ducey signed legislation Wednesday to provide $1.2 billion to fund grandiose projects to find new water for Arizona and smaller ones to conserve what the state already has.

DPS, traffic deaths, highways, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Montana, Rhode Island,
Jun 8, 2022

Fund pay raises to attract DPS staff, boost safety

By funding 15% pay raises for all sworn and civilian DPS staff, DPS can attract new talent and fend off poaching attempts from other agencies with higher pay and smaller territory.

Rogers, threat
Jun 7, 2022

Open letter from Arizona vets to Ducey

Publicly condemn Senator Rogers now if you ever want Arizonans to remember you as a conservative governor who stood up for democratic principles.

election, judges, retention, voters, ballots, Stephen M. Hopkins, Rusty Crandell, Benjamin Norris,Judge Howard Sukenic, Maricopa County Superior Court
Jun 3, 2022

Judge strikes often tied to perception of bias

In Superior Court actions, each side is entitled to one change of judge, but some judges are struck much more frequently than others, which could create a perception of partiality, attorneys said. 

May 30, 2022

Ducey vetoes election bill

Gov. Doug Ducey on Friday vetoed legislation which would have required county election officials to cancel the registration of anyone they determine is not qualified to vote.

gas prices, pump, Ukraine, GOP, Mark Kelly, car at gas station, Congressman Gallego
May 19, 2022

Inflation looms as major issue in general election

Inflation is already taking a toll on local residents' wallets and it’s shaping up to be an important theme in general elections this fall. 

May 19, 2022

Money, conservation slows water authority bill

For most of this session, lawmakers have been working with stakeholders of various interests to cobble together legislation that addresses Arizona’s water woes, but concerns over conservation and money have slowed progress. 

election, hand count, Cochise County, election fraud, Secretary of State, Pinal County Attorney's Office, tabulation
May 19, 2022

Bill makes illegal voting practice illegal – again

Republican lawmakers are asking Gov. Doug Ducey to sign a bill they concede has no practical effect. 

abortion, Planned Parenthood, 15 weeks, Lake, Hobbs, Masters, Kelly, Ciscomani, Engel, Lake, Hobbs, election, debate
May 18, 2022

Activists file abortion ballot proposal

Arizona voters may get a chance to keep abortion legal even if the U.S. Supreme Court overturns Roe v. Wade. 

May 17, 2022

Senate approves vaccine, masks bans

State senators voted Tuesday to forever bar the state Department of Health Services from requiring students to be vaccinated against Covid to attend school.

May 9, 2022

Arts commission asks for modest $5M appropriation

We know that the recognition of this value is the reason the Legislature and Governor just reauthorized the Commission on the Arts. And we are just as certain that they will recognize the tremendous return on this investment when they approve a $5 million ongoing appropriation in the budget being adopted soon.


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