
Housing Trust Fund

Hobbs, governor, tax credit, families, Hoffman
Aug 25, 2023

Q&A with Governor Katie Hobbs 

In her first legislative session as governor, Katie Hobbs had to navigate a sharply divided Legislature, at times working closely with Republican leadership while also facing attempts by GOP lawmakers to thwart her agenda. 

Jun 7, 2023

Six cities, one county have plans to use state funds to help homeless

Six Arizona cities and one county that have immediate plans to house the homeless are going to be dividing up $20 million in state funds.

K-12 education, schools, Cano, Epstein, Hobbs, Senate
Jun 2, 2023

Some lesser-known budget items you’ll love 

As House and Senate minority leaders, Andrés Cano and I convened our caucuses to develop our shared priorities for the budget, with perspectives from across the state. Housing and schools have topped our list consistently this year.

Hobbs, Toma, Petersen, Hoffman, budget, housing,
May 15, 2023

Hobbs, GOP lawmakers tout wins in budget as battle to define spending ahead

Two media events on Monday highlighted the coming political battle to define the $17.8 billion budget that lawmakers passed, and the governor signed last week.

budget, Hobbs, Legislature, Democrats, Republicans, Epstein, Livingston, Kavanagh, Senate, ESAs
May 8, 2023

$150 million for housing, half a billion for education in budget proposal

A new budget proposal emerged today that delivers a child tax rebate, major spending on housing and education, and a reshuffling of money destined for water projects. 

housing, Serviss, Hobbs, affordable housing,
Feb 9, 2023

Housing Trust Fund key to Hobbs’ affordability plans

Arizona is one of the fastest-growing states in the nation, but also faces a growing housing problem.

Hobbs, State of the State, campaign spending, donations, Lake legislature, education, AEL, Arizona Education Association, Rose Mofford, Napolitano, Republicans, Democrats, ESA, vouchers, mudslinging, Toma, Petersen, ESA, budget
Jan 13, 2023

Hobbs seeks ESA repeal in budget proposal, GOP offers ‘continuation’ with no new spending

Arizona’s Democratic governor and Republican-controlled legislature are on a collision course after they laid out diametrically opposed plans for the state budget this week.


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