
Karen Fann

Aug 6, 2019

Lawmakers: Ducey silent on pushing gun control measure

In the wake of yet another round of mass shooting, this time in El Paso, Texas and Dayton, Ohio, Gov. Doug Ducey is again touting a policy that would allow judges to force people determined to be a danger to themselves or others to surrender their weapons, at least temporarily.

Aug 6, 2019

Arizona’s drought plan offers key lessons for the road ahead

rizona will need to bring the same quality of leadership and creative problem-solving that produced the DCP success story when water stakeholders resume work on the other pillars of a sustainable water future: protecting groundwater in both urban and rural areas, starting the regional process of re-negotiating the 2007 Interim Guidelines, and finding collaborative ways of conserving water while b[...]

Jul 31, 2019

Allen weathers criticism of racially-charged comments

The Democratic senator and liberal activists who delivered more than 1,000 petitions calling for Sen. Sylvia Allen to lose her position as leader of the Senate Education Committee Wednesday morning acknowledged that Allen isn’t likely to go anywhere.

Jul 2, 2019

Industrial commission hears input on proposal to prevent overpriced medication

The Arizona Industrial Commission met July 1 to hear public comment on proposed changes to this years fee schedule that are intended to prevent doctors from over prescribing opioids and prescribing more expensive medications for profit.

Jun 24, 2019

Democrats discouraged despite getting more bills passed

Senate President Karen Fann can boast a 333 percent increase in the number of bills sponsored by Democrats that passed out of her chamber in 2019 compared to last year.

State House members applaud after adjourning. PHOTO BY DILLON ROSENBLATT/ARIZONA CAPITOL TIMES
Jun 24, 2019

The Breakdown: Wrap it up already

The 2019 legislative session is finally behind us. Or is it?

Jun 23, 2019

Number of lawmakers who didn’t miss a vote, day of work up from 2018

Throughout the 135 days of the 2019 legislative session, only eight lawmakers made it to every required work day and cast a vote for everything that made it to the floor, down from 19 lawmakers last session.

Jun 23, 2019

Committee chairs seek balance between gatekeeper and ‘God’

The first major hurdle every piece of legislation faces in the House or Senate is a committee leader with the ability to unilaterally kill bills, and some chairs are more willing to do it than others.

Jun 21, 2019

Talk of bipartisan budget turns to bitter words at session’s end

A session that began with lofty promises — at least in the Senate — of bipartisan collaboration, the likes of which had rarely been seen before, ended with Democrats united against the budget and decrying a lack of working across the aisle.

Jun 21, 2019

Session Wrap with Sen. Karen Fann

Senate President Karen Fann’s first session in leadership featured months of collegiality capped by a bruising final two weeks from which she’s still recovering.

Jun 17, 2019

The Breakdown: Have you no honor?

How exactly do you work with someone you believe has betrayed you? That’s a question some lawmakers are asking themselves about the state’s county prosecutors after what some saw as an 11th hour reversal on criminal justice reform measures.

Jun 12, 2019

Senate plans to start budget talks around Labor Day

Republicans in the state Senate — and possibly the House — plan to start drafting next year’s budget shortly after Labor Day and have a proposal ready by the end of the year


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