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Arizona Democratic Party

Feb 13, 2024

School board president, former lawmaker among nominees for LD22 vacancy

Democrats in Legislative District 22 nominated three candidates for a legislative vacancy Monday night, sending them to the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors for the third vacancy election in a week. 

No Labels, political party, Arizona Democratic Party, judge, ballots, election
Aug 9, 2023

Judge rejects Dems’ bid to keep No Labels Party off 2024 ballot

A judge has rebuffed efforts by the Arizona Democratic Party to keep a potential competitor -- and, more to the point, its candidates -- off the 2024 ballot here.

No Labels, lawsuit, political party, Fontes, Arizona Democratic Party, Republicans
Jul 14, 2023

Judge considers Dem lawsuit against No Labels party

A Maricopa County Superior Court judge is mulling whether to dismiss a lawsuit filed by the Arizona Democratic Party against No Labels, Secretary of State Adrian Fontes and the county recorders.

No Labels, Fontes, Arizona Democratic Party
Jun 7, 2023

Fontes asks judge to toss Dems’ bid to try to keep potential competitors off ballot

The state's top election official is asking a judge to toss a bid by his own political party to keep potential competitors off the 2024 ballot.

Democrats, Gallego, election, ballots, Sinema, No Labels, lawsuit
Mar 31, 2023

Democratic Party files suit to keep No Labels Party off ballot

The Arizona Democratic Party filed suit Thursday to keep the No Labels Party off the 2024 ballot, conceding it fears its presence "will make it more difficult to elect Democratic Party candidates.''

Berry, Hobbs, tweet, Twitter, transphobic,
Mar 29, 2023

Governor’s spokeswoman is out after controversial tweet

A spokeswoman for Gov. Katie Hobbs resigned under pressure on Tuesday after tweeting an image of a woman brandishing handguns with the caption: “Us when we see transphobes.”

Democrats, Gallego, election, ballots, Sinema, No Labels, lawsuit
Feb 28, 2023

Senate Minority leader leaves leadership to run for Congress 

Sen. Minority Leader Raquel Terán, D-Phoenix, is stepping down from her leadership role in the Senate to run for Congressman Ruben Gallego, D-AZ's, congressional seat.  

Arizona Democratic Party, Hobbs, election, Bejarano, Gallardo, ballots, party, legislature
Jan 28, 2023

Dems elect vice-chair Bejarano to head state party

Arizona Democrats have elected Yolanda Bejarano to chair the party. Bejarano won 70.2% of the vote on Jan. 28, receiving 440 votes to her opponent, Maricopa County Supervisor Steve Gallardo’s 186 for the top job in the Arizona Democratic Party. 

Ward, election, ballot tabulators, vote centers, general election, Richer, GOP, Arizona Democratic Party, voting, voters, Alexander Kolodin, Court of Appeals, Australian Ballot System, Mohave County, Arizona Constitution
Dec 7, 2022

Lawsuit Ward, GOP file claims mail-in, early voting violates Constitution

A lawsuit seeking to strike down mail-in voting had its day in the Court of Appeals today. The suit, filed by the Arizona Republican Party and party chair Kelli Ward against the Secretary of State, county recorders and the state, alleges the decades-old, mail-in early voting system violates the Arizona Constitution as it does not fulfill the provision that “secrecy in voting shall be preserved.[...]

Republicans, GOP, DeWit, Ward, election, MAGA, Trump, Lake, Hobbs, Schweikert, ballots, tabulation
Nov 15, 2022

Senate Republicans select new leadership team led by Petersen

The Senate Republicans selected a new leadership team headed by Sen. Warren Petersen, R-Gilbert, but allowed candidates currently losing their races to vote. 

ballot boxes, voters, Cochise County, Pinal County, Maricopa County, hand counts, election deniers, Cochise County Board of Supervisors, Tom Crosby, Peggy Judd, Arizona Democratic Party, Cochise County Democratic Party, Bryan Blehm
Nov 11, 2022

Supreme Court denies emergency appeal on case barring Cochise County’s full hand count

After a judge blocked the Cochise County Board of Supervisors’ attempt at a full hand count of ballots on Monday, Cochise County Recorder David Stevens moved forward with a hand count anyways, and his attorneys filed an appeal in the case.

abortion, Arizona Supreme Court, Roe v. Wade, personhood, fetus, Miranda, 15 weeks, fetal abnormality, pregnancy, fathers, women, doctors, ACLU
Oct 25, 2022

Pro-life Dems throw wrench in party plans and contradict campaign messaging

Two pro-life Democrats are contradicting the party’s message that voting for the Democratic ticket means protecting abortion from statewide bans.


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