Helping youth overcome stress, become leaders
Supporting the mental health needs of Arizona youth can help create lasting change in our community. If you or someone you know could benefit from the programming that Youth4Youth offers, call (623) 208-3230 or visit
Fund 988 crisis lifeline
Join me this month in urging your public officials to fund 988. We all play a role in changing the culture around mental health. Together, we can ensure #MentalHealth4All.
Vets thank Kelly
On behalf of Arizona’s veterans and military families, thank you Senator Mark Kelly for delivering results.
D.C. statehood a racial, voting rights issue
When our State Senate considers D.C. statehood, they should treat this issue as a necessary and substantive pro-democracy reform rather than giving it the cursory and partisan treatment that the House did. If this issue comes up in the U.S. Senate, I hope Sens.Kyrsten Sinema and Mark Kelly will recognize D.C. statehood for the racial justice and voting rights issue that it is.
Homeowners, not government, should decide on short-term rentals
The article “Time to crack down on short-term rentals abuses” suggests that the way to remedy the previous bad legislation by the Arizona legislature, preventing HOA’s from banning Short Term Rentals (STR’s), is to empower local governments to make their own rules and laws preventing the abuse of STR’s. Nothing could be further from the truth.
Bill would help meet needs of women who don’t want abortion
When I volunteered with a pregnancy resource center, many of the women I met didn’t want to choose abortion but felt they didn’t have a choice due to lack of resources or support.
Help me understand
The despicable bills proposed by the conservative right continue to prevail in a state that needs to embrace civility and moderation. Arizona can thank Cindy McCain for the Biden/Harris/Kelly victories, as the down ballot Republicans retained their dominance in a state that only wishes to be blue.
Legislature supports dirty air
One can only wonder why the state legislators wish to undo the work of years by the Arizona Corporation Commission with input from citizens like me. Clean energy conserves our precious resources and keeps the air we breathe and the water we drink clean and healthy.
Congratulations to the winners
With the election season almost completed, I thought early and optimistic support of the winners and their obligation to the voters might be a good start.
Arizona Republicans sore losers
Not a single Arizona Republican challenged their election results, yet many of them cried foul at president-elect Joe Biden's results. Why is that I wonder?
Buyer beware – McSally turned her back on us
Senator Martha McSally has flooded the airways with advertisements stating she will protect our health care. Instead, she just voted to confirm Judge Amy Coney Barrett, who is against the Affordable Care Act, to the U.S. Supreme Court.
Conservative values – cooperation, compromise, caring
Cooperation, compromise, and caring for each other, are conservative values. I’m proudly conservative. I hope what that word means can be reclaimed, in time.