Have we truly come to celebrate violence?
The path forward demands courage, but it must be the courage to build, not destroy, to unite, not divide. If we fail to rise to this challenge, we risk undermining the very foundations of justice and democracy that we claim to cherish.
Lawmakers, others must understand criminal code before trying to improve it
The key word in the phrase earned release credits is: earned. Prisoners must earn release credits in order to be released at 85.7% of the imposed sentence.
Illicit vape task force needs accountability for inaction
The FDA, DOJ and other agencies on the task force have so far failed to properly enforce their own laws or regulations, allowing Chinese companies financially supporting the CCP to ship illegal products unencumbered directly into our country and targeting our kids.
Organizers who mobilized voters can tell you why Harris lost Arizona
If Democrats want to win these voters back, they need to ...
Dear President Biden: Leave us with an example of compassionate leadership
As a young person watching the results of the recent presidential election unfold, I’m concerned we’re entering a phase where we’re moving toward leading with an iron fist. What we need from you now, more than ever, is ...
Are legislators to blame for long vote counts?
If legislative leaders are really inspired to make positive progress that could actually result in new, pro-voter policies that would be signed by the governor, it seems like ...
Arizona lawmakers must prioritize progress over partisan agendas in 2025
A thriving economy depends on a high quality education system. We must collaborate across the aisle to develop pragmatic solutions for our most important resource, our people.
Transportation infrastructure investments are a win for Arizonans
Similar to reasons why transportation measures passed overwhelmingly, elected leaders and citizens may have different reasons to support the EV industry in our state. Whether it is for job creation, improvements to air quality and public health, or saving money for EV drivers, as Arizonans, let’s continue to work together to steer our transportation system forward.
Access to Health Care Is a Fundamental Human Right
With so much uncertainty surrounding health care access, I remain focused on our vision: building healthier communities and working together to create a future where everyone, regardless of their background or income, has the tools they need to lead healthy, fulfilling lives.
How investing in apprenticeship programs grows Arizona’s economy
The construction industry in Arizona faces a significant challenge. The Arizona Office of Economic Opportunity (OEO) projects the state will need approximately 50,000 people to fill construction jobs by 2033. […]
Arizona needs forward-thinking legislators on land and water use
Rising water and energy costs will force the decline of traditional agriculture in the desert Southwest. But transferring groundwater rights from farmlands to real estate developers is not a sustainable option. Desert living requires desert thinking.
100-year assured water supply important to Coolidge
If you don’t know what a 100-year Assured Water Supply is, you should be paying more attention. No new subdivisions can be approved in Coolidge without first proving that water […]